My name is Angelica and I am afflicted with Bipolar Disorder. I am also the mother of a Bipolar Child
I was diagnosed as an adult, but I now in hindsite that I have been suffering the effects of this illness since childhood.
As a child I had many of the signs of the illness, but at that time my family history was unknown and it was not believed that children could suffer from it, that it only surfaced in adulthood.
At this time I am nearing 30 years old and I am the mother of 3 boys. I am married and am a stay at home mother.
This site is being created to help those afflicted and/or their loved ones find information, have a place to vent and share experiences, and to keep up to date one new techniques, information and medications.
You will notice that wolves are contantly at watch over my den. I have found a special place for these creatures in my life. They are one of the worlds most beautiful and misunderstood creatures. And in many cases they are endangered.
In the way that Wolves are misunderstood, so are Bipolars. People assume that it means that you are crazy or that you are violent. I think that is why many people don't even call it Manic Depression anymore, because of the association with how it sounds and what people think that they know.
My son's illness is quite different than mine, and I am constantly learning new things and new techniques to help him and our family to make our lives better every day.
If by putting up this site, I can help one person to help themselves or a loved one, it is worth all the time that I will put in. I hope that you all enjoy this site and find it useful.